Whether you’re looking for cloud backup, computer backup or data backup, Kroy Technology Group provides solutions to protect and restore partitions, databases, servers, files and folders. We support Windows, MacOS and Linux backup.
Protect Critical business data
Your business data is the lifeblood of your company, and keeping it safe and secure is your number one concern. After all, computer systems will fail, but as long as you can access and work with your data, business can continue.

Secure your critical business financials, customer information, and intellectual property against data corruption or accidental deletion, hackers, ransomware threats, “inside jobs”, and natural disasters.
Leverage the latest BDR backup and recovery
technology for business continuity
As a business owner, any situation that impacts staff productivity and business continuity can be considered a disaster in terms of your ability to drive necessary revenue, execute critical tasks, and communicate with clients. 18.5 hours is the average time it takes a business to recover from disaster, 43% of companies never totally recover, 51 percent closed within two years and a mere 10 percent survived over the long-term.