Residential Services

Kroy Technology Group also provides cost effective solutions for residential home IT needs

Mac, Windows, and Linux

Our experts are current on the latest Linux, Windows and OS X technology, software, and security.

Day or Night

We work around your schedule to help you get the service when you need it.

Cloud Services

We not only provide a wide variety of cloud services, we also support name brand cloud services like Google, Yahoo, Dropbox, Apple, Microsoft, and much more.

Mobile and Sync

Custom sync solutions service and support, Set up sync of mail, calendar, contacts, documents, and photos across all your family devices.

Virus Removal and Protection

Get rid of nasty spyware and viruses. Keep them out with powerful protection.

Backup and Recovery

Get the right backup solution in place, with affordable, painless, automatic backup solutions.

Performance Boost

A detailed diagnostic and tune-up for your PC – eliminate resource-hogging software.

IT Training

Get training and/or a simple question asked.  Learn how to use your software. One-on-one training available for Multiple products.

Personal Shopping

We will also go with you to purchase hardware\software so you can be sure you are being sold exactly what you need

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